New Year Resolutions

Post more - I know I haven't been posting frequently enough, and its a working progress. This Mew Years I plan to update more often. Its going to be hard with exams coming up, assignments to do and still have some me time.

Workout - Technically speaking I've already started, but I'm either lazy, really busy or being a typical procrastinator. So, I'm going to try and stick to my workout routine. 

Sociable - I'm what you call a introvert and I know you can't change who a person is by nature but I this case I want to be more sociable. This being said I'm not going to change a single bit about myself. I'm quite happy and comfortable with who I am. I just think it would help mentally to try and interact with people more and stop acting like a danm vampire.

That's a wrap. I don't have much to seeing as I don't smoke or have any bad habit I need to brake or to improve in.

I Hope you have a Happy New Year filled with happiness, adventure, positivity, excitement and more.

Kisses, Z


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